When Your Porsche 911 Gives You Only Disappointment

  • Category: Video  |
  • 18 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 7751  |
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№1 Author: cory (18 Apr 2014 05:22) Total user comments: 0

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this douche deserves it for buying an automatic in a sports car
№2 Author: PendragonUK (18 Apr 2014 14:15) Total user comments: 57

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I'm not sure but that "Auto" you are referring to is a twin clutch and way better than any manual. The world have moved on and in cars like this it's the way to go.
№3 Author: Mik (19 Apr 2014 01:54) Total user comments: 0

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Its just a "Lemon" car. you picked bad one from a bunch. lucky:)
№4 Author: Magicnet (19 Apr 2014 18:00) Total user comments: 199

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There will never be an automatic as good as manual. Never ever. And if you don't know why, then you don't even deserve the answer from me.
№5 Author: cigraphics (20 Apr 2014 14:57) Total user comments: 46

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i had a ford fiesta manual and a bmw 530i automatic - in a city full of cars i go for automatic it's perfect
№6 Author: C3PO (21 Apr 2014 21:47) Total user comments: 0

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This prick deserves everything he gets for putting roof bars on a Porsche 911.

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