Earthquake on Live Air

  • Category: Video  |
  • 19 Mar, 2014  |
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№1 Author: Hugo (19 Mar 2014 01:52) Total user comments: 0

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a 4.4 "earthquake"? Bitch Please.
By the way, am from Chile and experienced the 8.9 in 2010.
№2 Author: MathIsHard (19 Mar 2014 02:25) Total user comments: 1404

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Come On! They're in L.A.! I'm in San Diego and anything less than a 6.0 is barely worth mentioning

If I'd expect anyone anywhere to be indifferent to a little nudging, it would be the L.A. crowd
№3 Author: Jericho (19 Mar 2014 02:36) Total user comments: 670

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Guess who's not born in L.A?
№4 Author: 1234 (19 Mar 2014 02:41) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: apparently there was one in uk 2008 felt 15 seconds i slept right through it
№5 Author: Skurupu (19 Mar 2014 03:51) Total user comments: 451

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I really want to experience an earthquake. I think it would be cool. I don't live in a place where that happens.
№6 Author: adzhoe (19 Mar 2014 06:24) Total user comments: 15111

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California, that's not even a minor distubance
№7 Author: alexacrow (21 Mar 2014 19:33) Total user comments: 1164

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Two years ago I experienced my first earthquake here in Mexico, it was 5.4... I was scared but I stayed calmed...

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