Quad Fails Compilation

  • Category: Video  |
  • 28 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 8030  |
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№1 Author: White knight (28 Feb 2014 02:50) Total user comments: 0

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The reason people are always being killed on these things .
№2 Author: saint357 (28 Feb 2014 20:23) Total user comments: 2366

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ah yep that's why. :04:
№3 Author: twitchyfuzz (2 Mar 2014 21:15) Total user comments: 373

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Reminds me of my quad. The death of it was when a friend missed a sharp corner on an obstacle course and landed my quad in a swamp! :13:
№4 Author: YeahRight (7 Mar 2014 13:01) Total user comments: 1998

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...all i could think about was a bunch of dumassess... :13: :13: :13:

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