Dog Protects a Pregnant Woman

  • Category: Video  |
  • 26 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 6191  |
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№1 Author: mr blacks (26 Feb 2014 04:32) Total user comments: 0

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5 months later, the dog eats the baby, happy ending. dumbasses
№2 Author: twitchyfuzz (26 Feb 2014 17:53) Total user comments: 373

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I know the person I'm sharing this with..
№3 Author: Son Of A Gunderson (26 Feb 2014 18:49) Total user comments: 123

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It's all cute until the dog mutilates someone.
№4 Author: Tankked (26 Feb 2014 18:57) Total user comments: 10

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There are so many one sided idiots on this website... "Oh the dog is bad, oh that person is bad, oh this is awful". You are all retarded.

№5 Author: dc (26 Feb 2014 19:34) Total user comments: 0

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This is incredibly stupid. The dog thinks he's responsible for protecting the woman, and spends all his energy and effort towards that task. He cannot relax and just be a dog at all, and is under tremendous stress the whole time. And once he actually does bite someone, he'll be put down - because he did exactly what his stupid owners had taught him to do.

This is wrong and stupid from every single angle.
№6 Author: Son Of A Gunderson (6 Mar 2014 19:37) Total user comments: 123

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That's exactly what I meant. Thank you. Just b/c dogs do something that seems cute to us, doesn't necessarily mean it's good for them. They have different needs from humans.

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