Boyfriend Stuffed his Girlfriend Down a Manhole

  • Category: Video  |
  • 17 Feb, 2014  |
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This story took place in Haiku City, China. One guy decided to kill his girlfriend because he owed her $16,500. The man prepared his assault by placing a cardboard over the open manhole. Then he stuffed his girlfriend down the 10-foot (3 m) manhole, where she remained trapped in her watery tomb for 60 hours. The woman made a cloth ladder out of clothes to escape but failed. When she was rescued 60 hours later she was wearing only her underwear. Her boyfriend has been charged with attempted murder.

№1 Author: fefe (17 Feb 2014 02:07) Total user comments: 295

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I think she was rescued 60 hours after, not 60 years ;-)
№2 Author: Grunt Callahan (17 Feb 2014 02:29) Total user comments: 2430

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60 years is long damn time to be sitting in a sewer.
№3 Author: westlockfiredept (17 Feb 2014 03:47) Total user comments: 346

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60 years????? AHAH!!!!! Now we know the real story behind Gollum....hahahaha
№4 Author: adzhoe (17 Feb 2014 06:53) Total user comments: 15111

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Acidcow, you're going back to your old habits....
№5 Author: szagi (17 Feb 2014 12:55) Total user comments: 426

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She looks young after 60 years
№6 Author: Shadoglare (17 Feb 2014 17:58) Total user comments: 505

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Wow, they had video surveillance 60 years ago, plus it took them that long to notice? :10:
№7 Author: rodrigozanatta (17 Feb 2014 19:17) Total user comments: 695

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now they fix it.
№8 Author: rennermartins (17 Feb 2014 19:46) Total user comments: 222

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I read in some site which she needed to eat rats and drink sewage to survive along 60 years.
№9 Author: Aindy (17 Feb 2014 20:56) Total user comments: 2863

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I heard it was her granddaughter they saved......

PS: AC noticed and changed it from years to hours
№10 Author: nitris (17 Feb 2014 22:41) Total user comments: 0

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Happy Valentines day honey! 'Bwoop' down ya go!

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