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Shattering Ice With Awesome Sound
29 Aug, 2019 |
Views: 3979
(29 Aug 2019 03:54) Total user comments:
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You witness and hear something unique and truly interesting: the shattering of a large chunk of ice after being hurled onto a smooth, flat river of ice, a sheet both massive and broad. After smashing into hundreds of cubes, a strange and eerie sound permeates the emptiness, and reverberates and echoes across a vast field of what is otherwise almost complete silence.
The air is crisp, dry, with a mild breeze helping to carry the sound waves swirling into the distance and back again, like a vortex of wind funneling around a multitude of mini tornadoes. The sunrise - or sunset - paints giant blue clouds of cotton candy tinged with yellow shafts of golden light into view. It is a dream-like atmosphere; a graceful solitude too seldom experienced in life; a brief, precious moment to be enjoyed as long as possible and remembered for years to come.
There are no horns, sirens, babies crying for attention, looming deadlines; your troubles, for now, can disappear in an instant, if only you would let them go. You have time to think and relax, and wonder at how small you are even in your own infinitely small town, let alone the universe. You can think about nothing but that distant, haunting echo. You can think about nothing at all.
And this brain-dead, solipsistic, ADHD poster child can't wait eight seconds before opening her yap, and all she can say is, "Wow." Then a few seconds later, "Wow. Can I talk?"
Go ahead, cupcake. It really is all about you.
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