People Fail (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 May, 2018  |
  • Views: 6981  |
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1 People Fail (24 pics)

2 People Fail (24 pics)

3 People Fail (24 pics)

4 People Fail (24 pics)

5 People Fail (24 pics)

6 People Fail (24 pics)

7 People Fail (24 pics)

8 People Fail (24 pics)

9 People Fail (24 pics)

10 People Fail (24 pics)

11 People Fail (24 pics)

12 People Fail (24 pics)

13 People Fail (24 pics)

14 People Fail (24 pics)

15 People Fail (24 pics)

16 People Fail (24 pics)

17 People Fail (24 pics)

18 People Fail (24 pics)

19 People Fail (24 pics)

20 People Fail (24 pics)

21 People Fail (24 pics)

22 People Fail (24 pics)

23 People Fail (24 pics)

24 People Fail (24 pics)

№1 Author: RavenLunatic (4 May 2018 16:40) Total user comments: 269

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#1 is clearly some type of advertisement.
№2 Author: SFLAG (4 May 2018 21:23) Total user comments: 100

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Second time I've seen it here, and I still don't know what's going on in #4.
№3 Author: Bruce Burbank (5 May 2018 05:26) Total user comments: 436

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Quote: SFLAG
Second time I've seen it here, and I still don't know what's going on in #4.

Ya, I thought the same thing, but then I thought well, it doesn't really matter what she's doing, because the fact of it is that she's standing on a ladder in the middle of her driveway, seemingly unrelated to anything, so what that thing is in her hand and what she's trying to do with it is immaterial.

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