They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Feb, 2018  |
  • Views: 8783  |
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1 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

2 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

3 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

4 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

5 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

6 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

7 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

8 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

9 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

10 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

11 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

12 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

13 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

14 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

15 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)

16 They Were So Wrong With Their Predictions (16 pics)


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№1 Author: mikerowave (3 Feb 2018 14:08) Total user comments: 713

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Dumb and wise people are both wrong sometimes. The difference between wise and dumb people is that when they are wrong, wise people admit it eventually and change their opinion, but dumb people never.

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