Rescued Puppy Gets A Much Needed Bath (8 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Jun, 2017  |
  • Views: 2995  |
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This poor puppy was found covered in a sticky black resin, and no one's sure how it happened. Luckily volunteers from Zoonosis Lanus decided to step in and help, and after an intense five hour bath, the puppy was finally clean again.

1 Rescued Puppy Gets A Much Needed Bath (8 pics)

2 Rescued Puppy Gets A Much Needed Bath (8 pics)

3 Rescued Puppy Gets A Much Needed Bath (8 pics)

4 Rescued Puppy Gets A Much Needed Bath (8 pics)

5 Rescued Puppy Gets A Much Needed Bath (8 pics)

6 Rescued Puppy Gets A Much Needed Bath (8 pics)

7 Rescued Puppy Gets A Much Needed Bath (8 pics)

8 Rescued Puppy Gets A Much Needed Bath (8 pics)

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