Bear Destroys Vehicle In Forest Lakes Subdivision (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 May, 2017  |
  • Views: 3339  |
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Kourtney Anderson, 17, said she was asleep about 1:30 a.m. when she awoke to the sound of her car horn beeping. When she discovered what it was she saw a giant bear inside her car, and the car didn't stand a chance.

1 Bear Destroys Vehicle In Forest Lakes Subdivision (5 pics)

2 Bear Destroys Vehicle In Forest Lakes Subdivision (5 pics)

3 Bear Destroys Vehicle In Forest Lakes Subdivision (5 pics)

4 Bear Destroys Vehicle In Forest Lakes Subdivision (5 pics)

5 Bear Destroys Vehicle In Forest Lakes Subdivision (5 pics)


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