Artificial Tan Gives British Man Fake Muscles (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 Apr, 2017  |
  • Views: 6974  |
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Fake muscles are becoming popular among older men in Britain. Beauty salons across the UK are taping off certain sections of the body so that it looks like there are more muscles when men get fake tans, and the trend is catching on.

1 Artificial Tan Gives British Man Fake Muscles (5 pics)

2 Artificial Tan Gives British Man Fake Muscles (5 pics)

3 Artificial Tan Gives British Man Fake Muscles (5 pics)

4 Artificial Tan Gives British Man Fake Muscles (5 pics)

5 Artificial Tan Gives British Man Fake Muscles (5 pics)

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