World’s Fattest Man Drops 700 lbs (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 15 Mar, 2017  |
  • Views: 4514  |
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Paul Mason used to be the fattest man in the world until he decided to make a change. He underwent bariatric surgery and now he's a whole new man who happens to be 700 pounds lighter.

1 World’s Fattest Man Drops 700 lbs (5 pics)

2 World’s Fattest Man Drops 700 lbs (5 pics)

3 World’s Fattest Man Drops 700 lbs (5 pics)

4 World’s Fattest Man Drops 700 lbs (5 pics)

5 World’s Fattest Man Drops 700 lbs (5 pics)

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