A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Dec, 2016  |
  • Views: 6254  |
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When you're the President of the United States you don't just ride in any old normal helicopter, you ride in the best of the best.

Each year, only four pilots from HMX-1 squadron, aka "The Nighthawks," have the honor of flying Marine One.

1 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

The helicopter can cruise at over 150 mph ...

2 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

... and can continue flying even if one of its three engines fails.

3 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

Marine One has ballistic armor, missile warning systems, and antimissile defenses.

4 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

The helicopter is also equipped with secure communication lines for the president to remain in contact with the White House and the Pentagon.

5 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

No matter where in the world the helicopter lands, the president is always greeted by a Marine.

6 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

Similar to the identical decoy that flies alongside Air Force One, a decoy helicopter flies with Marine One.

7 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

Unlike most helicopters, Marine One is so quiet that the president can speak in a normal tone of voice.

8 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

There is 200 square feet of interior space ...

9 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

... enough space for 14 passengers.

10 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

Marine One is deployed to serve the president domestically and abroad.

11 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)

And the helicopter is massive.

12 A Look Inside The President's Marine One Helicopter (12 pics)


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№1 Author: EnderWiggin (28 Dec 2016 03:04) Total user comments: 375

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A look inside? 12 pictures, 4 interior and 8 exterior. If we are going to look inside, lets LOOK inside FFS.

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