You'll Be Shocked When You Find Out How Much Info Is In Fruit Stickers (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Dec, 2016  |
  • Views: 5510  |
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Those little stickers that you find on fruit may be annoying to take off, but they hold valuable information.

A four-digit code beginning with the number 3 or 4

1 You'll Be Shocked When You Find Out How Much Info Is In Fruit Stickers (4 pics)

If there are only four numbers on the sticker, then it means the fruit (or vegetable) was produced with the help of modern agronomic techniques — including abundant amounts of fertilizer and pesticides.

A five-digit code beginning with the number 8

2 You'll Be Shocked When You Find Out How Much Info Is In Fruit Stickers (4 pics)

When you see this sticker, the fruit has been genetically modified as part of the growing process. Yes, that’s right. This is the GMO food that continues to cause so much controversy. Research shows that melons, bananas, and papayas are the types of fruit that are genetically modified the most often.

A five-digit code beginning with the number 9

3 You'll Be Shocked When You Find Out How Much Info Is In Fruit Stickers (4 pics)

If you see this kind of code, it means the fruit was grown using the old farming methods of our ancestors: with their own hands and without any chemicals. These are organic products.

If the fruit has no PLU code

4 You'll Be Shocked When You Find Out How Much Info Is In Fruit Stickers (4 pics)

Most people try to find fruit without stickers. But this could actually be dangerous: fruit that’s imported from abroad should always be labeled in this way. If there isn’t a label, the chances are it’s been removed for a specific reason — and one that isn’t likely to be to your advantage as a consumer.

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