Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

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  • 23 Nov, 2016  |
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Anechoic Chamber

1 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Obama sitting for his official portrait

2 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

First grader learning about internet

3 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Lincoln, before and after the Civil War

4 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Obama before and after

5 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

What it takes to be an undersea cable

6 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Meanwhile in Seoul, South Korea: Millions demand President Park Geun-hye’s resignation

7 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Best Buy Black Friday Ad 1997

8 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Face of an ant – as seen through an Electron Microscope

9 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Outdoor classroom

10 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

The Coiling Dragon Cliff Skywalk

11 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

It took Japan 2 days to fix the sinkhole

12 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Disparity of rich and poor in South Africa

13 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Pickpocket caught in the act

14 Very Interesting Photos. Part 144 (15 pics)

Taylor Swift’s Bodyguard

№1 Author: Nick1090 (23 Nov 2016 09:35) Total user comments: 1257

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#8 Most smart phone can do all of these things.
№2 Author: Bitofinger (23 Nov 2016 10:00) Total user comments: 747

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Very OLD and UN interesting photos. Of the retards, by the retards, for the retards. If Lincoln only knew, he would have taken that bullet at birth.
№3 Author: mugwump (23 Nov 2016 16:28) Total user comments: 36

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Quote: Bitofinger
Very OLD and UN interesting photos. Of the retards, by the retards, for the retards. If Lincoln only knew, he would have taken that bullet at birth.

Are you incapable of not being an asshole? Does it physically hurt you to not insult people or something?
№4 Author: rostit (23 Nov 2016 18:48) Total user comments: 465

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Quote: Bitofinger
Very OLD and UN interesting photos. Of the retards, by the retards, for the retards. If Lincoln only knew, he would have taken that bullet at birth.

aww. found the "edgy" guy. Sounds like you need a hug and maybe a life. I love it when people say what you say. It only shows that you have no life and spend it all online. go outside. maybe shave that neckbeard and put your vape pen down before you go and cry on reddit.
№5 Author: Bitofinger (26 Nov 2016 18:34) Total user comments: 747

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Quote: mugwump
Are you incapable of not being an asshole? Does it physically hurt you to not insult people or something?

I enjoy and relish it to the point of bliss. My sublime repugnance and disdain for nearly every human within our genus is not only inexhaustible, it is also justified every second of the day by the infinite stupidity and undefinable horror we practice.

A man rapes, tortures and murders a child. The next day, he rescues a child from a burning home, and returns the child safely to his or her parents. Is the man good or evil? Without a doubt, he is evil. The good cannot absolve the bad. However, the reverse is certainly true. Change the order of those two events, and we find that the man is still evil.

No, we do not all commit atrocities. Yet we are all capable of behaving very bad indeed, which is really the point. Given the right circumstances, every human alive will commit a heinous and evil crime. Given the right circumstances, every human alive may or may not behave with immaculate morality. Man is therefore supremely evil.

We in no way deserve this wonderful, amazing planet on which we find ourselves floating through space. What's worse, we will never stop killing one another until there is no one left to kill.

Quote: rostit
aww. found the "edgy" guy. Sounds like you need a hug and maybe a life. I love it when people say what you say. It only shows that you have no life and spend it all online. go outside. maybe shave that neckbeard and put your vape pen down before you go and cry on reddit.

The ad hominem is always my favorite. Some say it is the last resort of a befuddled mind. I beg to differ, and say it is the first.

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