Massive Chinese Lake Dries Up In Just A Matter Of Weeks (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Nov, 2016  |
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China's Poyang Lake was one of the largest freshwater lakes in the country, but now it's gone. A drought began in September, and now this lake that was once three times the size of Los Angeles is all dried up.

Poyang Lake is connected to the Yangtze River and used to span over 1,737 miles. Full of life, it was home to freshwater fish and a large number of shrimp.

1 Massive Chinese Lake Dries Up In Just A Matter Of Weeks (5 pics)

Now, the lake is nearly unrecognizable from above.

2 Massive Chinese Lake Dries Up In Just A Matter Of Weeks (5 pics)

There have always been fluctuations in the water level of the lake during the dry season, but the drought that the region is currently experiencing is unprecedented.

3 Massive Chinese Lake Dries Up In Just A Matter Of Weeks (5 pics)

Earlier this month, the water level of the lake was just 34.8 feet. The majority of the riverbed is exposed and dry.

4 Massive Chinese Lake Dries Up In Just A Matter Of Weeks (5 pics)

Fishermen and farmers who rely on the lake for food and work are in crisis.

5 Massive Chinese Lake Dries Up In Just A Matter Of Weeks (5 pics)

№1 Author: EnderWiggin (17 Nov 2016 20:17) Total user comments: 375

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It's simple Dam a river, lose a lake.
Three Gorges Dam 90%
Drought 10%

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