British Diver Finds Bizarre Underwater Lake Hidden In A Cave (6 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Nov, 2016  |
  • Views: 6772  |
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A British diver recently found something astonishing while swimming in a cave. He found what looks like an old lake, buried beneath the sea, and he took some incredible photos from deep within a watery cavern.

1 British Diver Finds Bizarre Underwater Lake Hidden In A Cave (6 pics)

2 British Diver Finds Bizarre Underwater Lake Hidden In A Cave (6 pics)

3 British Diver Finds Bizarre Underwater Lake Hidden In A Cave (6 pics)

4 British Diver Finds Bizarre Underwater Lake Hidden In A Cave (6 pics)

5 British Diver Finds Bizarre Underwater Lake Hidden In A Cave (6 pics)

6 British Diver Finds Bizarre Underwater Lake Hidden In A Cave (6 pics)


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