Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Nov, 2016  |
  • Views: 4759  |
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Lisa Grennan and her husband Marlin have no problem letting the world's biggest pitbull, called Hulk, babysit their newborn son. They say they would never leave the baby unsupervised with the dog, but they don't think it's a big deal because Hulk is as friendly as they come.

1 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

2 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

3 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

4 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

5 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

6 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

7 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

8 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

9 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

10 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

11 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

12 Big Pitbull Loves To Babysit This Newborn (12 pics)

№1 Author: hugo31 (3 Nov 2016 03:16) Total user comments: 530

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Safest kid in the world.
№2 Author: Nick1090 (4 Nov 2016 01:02) Total user comments: 1257

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Dogs are pack animals. Give them rules and training and they will lay down their lives to protect the pack. Don't train them and they will try to be head of the pack, fighting with others in their way, which could be their family.

I trust my dogs more than I trust most people.

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