This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Sep, 2016  |
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Cemeteries are creepy no matter where they are, but this cemetery in London is extra creep thanks to its eerie history.

Highgate Cemetery in London, England, was built across 20 acres in the Victorian era, and still stands after 177 years.

1 This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

It was so beautiful that it quickly became the most popular resting place for London's richest and most well-known people, including Karl Marx and the family of Charles Dickens.

2 This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

Thousands were buried here, but it became abandoned by the 1960s and turned into a decaying, ruined mess. This is when strange stories of hauntings began to surround the cemetery.

3 This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

People who ventured in at night told harrowing stories of ghouls, red-eyed demons, and even vampires.

4 This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

Many visitors claimed to have seen the Highgate Vampire, a tall figure with a terrifying face that inspired just as much fear as the legendary creature did.

5 This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

The vampire figure made its way into local newspapers, which not only freaked out the general public, but also attracted hundreds of visitors who came to find it and left empty-handed.

6 This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

But this creature isn't the only notable resident of the cemetery. Visitors have also claimed to see the spirit of an old lady running through the graves, a ghost with red eyes, and a vanishing phantom figure that stares into the sky.

7 This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

There are even reports of wailing noises, ghostly faces suddenly appearing, and people being pushed inside the graveyard.

8 This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

Luckily, this beautifully chilling place has been undergoing restorations since the 1980s, thanks to The Friends of Highgate Cemetery organization. All of us will be able to enjoy all the creepiness it has to offer for many years to come.

9 This Haunted Cemetery Has Become Legendary (9 pics)

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№1 Author: Bobby (28 Sep 2016 14:14) Total user comments: 1475

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The cemetary looks interesting, but those ghost stories... just an attempt to scare people and add mysticism to the place.

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