Man Finds Way To Send Letter Without Knowing The Address (2 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Sep, 2016  |
  • Views: 2642  |
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An Iceland tourist wanted to send a letter to someone, but unfortunately he didn't know their address. Instead he drew a map and provided some important details on the envelope, and it worked because his letter was delivered.

The guy actually drew a map on the envelope which leads to a farm in Hvammsveit, West Iceland. The map reads: ‘Country: Iceland. City: Búðardalur. Name: A horse farm with an Icelandic/Danish couple and three kids and a lot of sheep!’

1 Man Finds Way To Send Letter Without Knowing The Address (2 pics)

The letter reached its destination!

2 Man Finds Way To Send Letter Without Knowing The Address (2 pics)

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