High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Aug, 2016  |
  • Views: 3751  |
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One of the coolest things about being a senior is that you get to drive yourself to school, and if you're really lucky, you get your own parking spot. West Orange High School in Florida and James Bowie High School in Texas recently allowed the students of their 2017 classes to customize their parking spots and the students knocked it out of the park.

1 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

2 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

3 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

4 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

5 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

6 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

7 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

8 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

9 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

10 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

11 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

12 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

13 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

14 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

15 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

16 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

17 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

18 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

19 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

20 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

21 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

22 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

23 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

24 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

25 High School Seniors Paint Impressive Art In Their Parking Spots (25 pics)

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