Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Aug, 2016  |
  • Views: 3042  |
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Samson is a Maine Coon from New York City and he weighs a whopping 28 lbs. He's larger than most bobcats and 4 feet in length. He's been dubbed "the largest cat in New York City" and some people think he may even be the largest cat in the world as the Guinness World Record holder passed away a few years ago.

1 Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)

2 Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)

3 Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)

4 Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)

5 Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)

6 Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)

7 Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)

8 Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)

9 Massive 28 Pound Cat Is New York City's Largest (9 pics)


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