Slum Landlords Stuff 31 Migrants Into A 4 Bedroom House (7 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Jul, 2016  |
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This four bedroom house is only supposed to hold 7 people at the most, but some criminal landlords from the UK have stuffed 31 migrants inside this home and their making £100,000 a year off of them.

1 Slum Landlords Stuff 31 Migrants Into A 4 Bedroom House (7 pics)

2 Slum Landlords Stuff 31 Migrants Into A 4 Bedroom House (7 pics)

3 Slum Landlords Stuff 31 Migrants Into A 4 Bedroom House (7 pics)

4 Slum Landlords Stuff 31 Migrants Into A 4 Bedroom House (7 pics)

5 Slum Landlords Stuff 31 Migrants Into A 4 Bedroom House (7 pics)

6 Slum Landlords Stuff 31 Migrants Into A 4 Bedroom House (7 pics)

7 Slum Landlords Stuff 31 Migrants Into A 4 Bedroom House (7 pics)

№1 Author: Aindy (29 Jul 2016 12:17) Total user comments: 2863

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Quote: erickthered
Nobody cares because Invaders should have been shot dead in the first place.

Take all of their money. f*ck Invader Muslim trash and any other freeloading Turd Worlders

We send you out to sea and have these hard working people take your place as they are obviously much better for the community and economy than you.

PS: Migrants does not mean muslims
№2 Author: mikerowave (29 Jul 2016 12:35) Total user comments: 715

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Quote: Aindy
Quote: erickthered
Nobody cares because Invaders should have been shot dead in the first place.

Take all of their money. f*ck Invader Muslim trash and any other freeloading Turd Worlders

We send you out to sea and have these hard working people take your place as they are obviously much better for the community and economy than you.

PS: Migrants does not mean muslims

Hard working people? If they are really hard working, peaceful and valuable people then why have they have to come to the EU illegally? I bet that most of them don't want to work at all, they demand social care. They bring their primitive and violent traditions with themselves. Wake up, please!
№3 Author: rostit (29 Jul 2016 20:26) Total user comments: 465

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Quote: mikerowave
Quote: Aindy
Quote: erickthered
Nobody cares because Invaders should have been shot dead in the first place.

Take all of their money. f*ck Invader Muslim trash and any other freeloading Turd Worlders

We send you out to sea and have these hard working people take your place as they are obviously much better for the community and economy than you.

PS: Migrants does not mean muslims

Hard working people? If they are really hard working, peaceful and valuable people then why have they have to come to the EU illegally? I bet that most of them don't want to work at all, they demand social care. They bring their primitive and violent traditions with themselves. Wake up, please!

Found donald trump... with that wakeup bullsh*t. go back to infowars and put your f*cking tinfoil beanie on.
№4 Author: etsudo (3 Aug 2016 12:38) Total user comments: 96

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Well, his tone is extreme, but he is speaking the truth about working - all European statistics confirm it. For example, this year 2 million immigrants came to Germany. Of them, 30,000 are working :) So much for the working immigrants theory, they're gonna bring German economy on its knees in a decade. All other European countries have statistics in that same tone even though most governments and media outlets go out of their ways to hide the issue.

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