Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Jul, 2016  |
  • Views: 5297  |
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Archaeologist Vincent Brinkmann (Vinzenz Brinkmann) and his team used x-rays to discover that some of the ancient Greek and Roman statues that they discovered used to be painted at one time. The statues weren't dull like they are today, it turns out that they were covered in cheerful colors. Brinkmann and his team then created photos that show what the statues were intended to look like when they were first created.

1 Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

2 Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

3 Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

4 Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

5 Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

6 Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

7 Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

8 Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

9 Scientists Use Technology To Provide A New Look At Ancient Sculptures (9 pics)

№1 Author: drmato (26 Jul 2016 21:13) Total user comments: 236

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I prefer the actual sculptures...

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