Thousands Of Tourists Gather In China's Largest Indoor Swimming Pool (6 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Jul, 2016  |
  • Views: 3185  |
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Thousands of tourists recently rushed to China's largest indoor swimming pool to beat the heat. According to the owners of the park this is usually one of their busiest times of the year.

1 Thousands Of Tourists Gather In China's Largest Indoor Swimming Pool (6 pics)

2 Thousands Of Tourists Gather In China's Largest Indoor Swimming Pool (6 pics)

3 Thousands Of Tourists Gather In China's Largest Indoor Swimming Pool (6 pics)

4 Thousands Of Tourists Gather In China's Largest Indoor Swimming Pool (6 pics)

5 Thousands Of Tourists Gather In China's Largest Indoor Swimming Pool (6 pics)

6 Thousands Of Tourists Gather In China's Largest Indoor Swimming Pool (6 pics)

№1 Author: rostit (20 Jul 2016 18:34) Total user comments: 465

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so much pee. so so much pee.

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