Buddhist Monk Gets Mummified And Turned Into A Gold Statue (6 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 May, 2016  |
  • Views: 5737  |
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In 2012 Buddhist monk Fu Hou died at the Chongfu Temple after spending most of is life there. After he passed his body was mummified and the monks that live at the temple coated him in gold and turned him into a statue that will sit in the temple forever.

1 Buddhist Monk Gets Mummified And Turned Into A Gold Statue (6 pics)

2 Buddhist Monk Gets Mummified And Turned Into A Gold Statue (6 pics)

3 Buddhist Monk Gets Mummified And Turned Into A Gold Statue (6 pics)

4 Buddhist Monk Gets Mummified And Turned Into A Gold Statue (6 pics)

5 Buddhist Monk Gets Mummified And Turned Into A Gold Statue (6 pics)

6 Buddhist Monk Gets Mummified And Turned Into A Gold Statue (6 pics)

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