Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

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  • 4 Nov, 2015  |
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This couple decided to take a trip to North Korea but they had no idea what they were in for.

Justin and Anna Williams have vacationed in over 100 countries. Unsurprisingly, they say that out of all of the places they’ve been, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has been BY FAR the most memorable.They couldn’t believe how heavily tourists are supervised there, as well as how little some residents knew about other countries.Justin said, “It’s like traveling to a different world.”

1 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

They arranged their trip through a travel operator with links to the state-owned Korean International Tourist Company. Before their arrival, they had to attend a briefing session in Beijing, where they were instructed on the strict rules. For example, they could never take pictures of military entities or statues of Kim Jong II unless his whole image was used.

2 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

They then boarded a Soviet-era plane, where the in-flight entertainment consisted of footage of North Korean soldiers defeating US GIs during the Korean War.

3 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

This shot of the capital, Pyongyang, was taken in-flight. When they landed, their phones were searched for GPS capability and their passports were actually taken away until their departure.Anna said, “The scariest part of the trip was knowing that no matter what, it was simply impossible at that point to get out of the country, even if we wanted to.”

4 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

Government minders (guides employed by the government to make sure they were staying in line) and a driver stayed with them their entire trip.The couple was surprised to learn that none of them had ever heard of pizza.

5 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

There were hardly any vehicles on the roads of central Pyongyang, due in part to the high poverty rate in North Korea.

6 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

Next they were taken to the Yanggakdo Hotel where foreigners can only stay on the 25th floor. They weren’t allowed to leave their hotel until they were picked up each morning.

7 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

The Arch of Triumph inaugurated the 70th birthday of Kim II Sung in 1982.

8 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

Anna and Justin said that two things you would always see in North Korea are huge monuments and military personnel.

9 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

They visited the Dear Leader (right) and Great Leader (left) statues that feature Kim Jong II and his father, Kim II Sung. Anna and Justin were required to bow before the giant statues and lay flowers in front of them.

10 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

They also saw the massive Monument to the Party Founding that commemorates the creation of the Workers’ Party of Korea in 1946.

11 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

They drove 4 hours south to the Demilitarized Zone along the South Korea border. The creepy highway was filled with only tanks and troop convoys, no civilian vehicles.

12 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

The South Korea/North Korea border starts at the concrete line between the blue huts here. Former President Bill Clinton called the area “the scariest place on Earth.”Not surprising, since it’s the most heavily militarized border in the world.

13 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

The couple said they were the only Westerners on the North Korean side of the border, and that it was “extremely tense.”

14 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

However, they still talked the guards into letting them into one of the blue huts. South Korea starts right behind the last 2 guards behind Justin.

15 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

Back in Pyongyang, they went to a ‘Fun Fair’ that had roller coasters, bumper cars and a target practice competition with locals. It’s usually restricted to ‘elites,’ but they got to go… with at least half a dozen guard and minders in tow.

16 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

Anna snapped a picture with some of the female military personnel before their platoon leader caught them.

17 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

Later, they were escorted to the Golden Lane Bowling Alley. The pins on the men’s shirts are ‘loyalty badges’ that have the image of the Dear Leader’s face. Apparently, the badges have to be worn by every North Korean adult.

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The bowling alley was FILLED with flags. The couple said, “Propaganda infused almost every element of life there.”

19 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

All of the propaganda posters were hand-drawn. After some difficulty they were able to ship one home from a contact in China.

20 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

The couple celebrated Justin’s birthday at Chongryu Hotpot Restaurant with their minders as guests.

21 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

They were even taken to a local school, which was showcased to them as a “world-class” place of education.

22 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

During their visit, the entire school shut down and put on a dance recital for them.

23 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

This billboard was inside the school, and it shows Kim II Sung, the former supreme leader.

24 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

They got to witness sporadic celebrating on the streets during “Party Foundation Day,” which takes place on October 10th every year in honor of the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

25 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)

The biggest highlight of the trip, in Justin’s opinion, was the Grand People’s Study House. It contains 30 million books, most of which feature the Great Leader and the Dear Leader.About the whole trip, Justin said, “It was surreal to be there and to be taken back to all of the news clips you see about the country.”

26 Traveling Couple Shares Their Strange Trip To North Korea With The World (26 pics)


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№1 Author: radical_ed (4 Nov 2015 06:58) Total user comments: 636

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Sad and creepy.
№2 Author: Maxid (4 Nov 2015 12:51) Total user comments: 694

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It's like the undead corpse of a country.
№3 Author: Tomaz86 (4 Nov 2015 15:45) Total user comments: 10834

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All thanks to crap called communism. I have more pity the population that is forced to suck up this f*cking dictator but is certain death for those who do not accept it!
№4 Author: styopa (4 Nov 2015 17:39) Total user comments: 1538

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Then again, a douchey guy with a penchant for deep-v shirts and gold-tinted Ray-Bans probably represents nearly the worst symbolism from the West as well, so it averages out.
№5 Author: Darsh (4 Nov 2015 18:58) Total user comments: 28

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JUST like USA, but with less budget. 54
№6 Author: loveandhate (6 Nov 2015 18:52) Total user comments: 1571

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it's not adventure while you coward off in 25th floor untill you were picked up to go wherever the hell they tells you ,,,
№7 Author: novw (1 Dec 2015 22:07) Total user comments: 239

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Bull-crap. These pictures are at Least 10 years old. Much, much has changed in the DPRK.

for _our_ pictures. Non commercial. Not checked. Not sanctioned.

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