Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Nov, 2015  |
  • Views: 5735  |
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One year old kids very rarely get cool gifts for their birthday. But this kid got a gift that he'll be able to look back on many years from now and be proud of. For his first birthday this kid was transformed into a zombie for an epic, flesh eating, photo shoot.

1 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

2 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

3 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

4 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

5 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

6 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

7 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

8 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

9 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)

10 Baby Gets Turned Into A Zombie For His First Birthday (10 pics)


№1 Author: ShaneobiOne (3 Nov 2015 12:25) Total user comments: 624

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It ain't scary until one can really understand why it should be. For the kid it was just a messy cake-outdoor-fun, with mum and dad taking pictures... And that's cool.
№2 Author: shade (3 Nov 2015 22:33) Total user comments: 1634

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A proof that being scared of what is called "body horror" is learned behavior.

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