Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 16 Feb, 2010  |
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American-born giant pandas arrive in hometown.

1 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

2 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

3 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

4 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

5 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

6 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

7 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

8 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

9 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

10 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

11 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

12 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

13 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

14 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

15 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

16 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

17 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

18 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

19 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

20 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

21 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

22 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

23 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

24 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

25 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

26 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

27 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

28 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

29 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)

30 Giant Pandas and Their Own Airplane (30 pics)


№1 Author: Jimmy Johnson (16 Feb 2010 03:47) Total user comments: 0

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As cute as giant pandas are, I think breeders need to tend to their duty... Giant pandas seem to be exhibiting more red hair in pictures like their Red Hair Pandas' cousins.

Giant Pandas are being bred now almost exclusivey in captivity, so I don't see why this trait is acceptable. Breeders breed traits to achieve the best respresentation of that line. Just my 2 cents.
№2 Author: ErrrWell (16 Feb 2010 07:05) Total user comments: 0

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Jimmy Johnson,

I think they care a little bit less about the aesthetics of the bears as opposed the bears themselves. As the Giant Pandas are extremely endangered and fairly picky about mating, any new Panda is good.

We're not talking dogs or horses that are in excess, but a breed that is on the verge of being no more. Pull your head out of your @$$ and get your priorities straight.
№3 Author: Jimmy Johnson (16 Feb 2010 07:53) Total user comments: 0

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ErrrWell - Thanks for clearing that up for me. You do realize practically every piece of fruit or vegetable, and in most cases animal, that you ever put into your mouth has been modified through breeding or science. The common grocery store tomato has been bred into what it is today over the past 200 years to handle shipping and storing.... The banana was developed through a genetic anomoly to be what it is today... It would never have existed in nature.

Every dog or cat, horse, pig, cow, chicken, every pet like a hampster or budgie has been selectively bred, but hey, you know more about the state of animals, and the world for that matter, than I do. Thanks, man.
№4 Author: rockers114 (16 Feb 2010 08:33) Total user comments: 544

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№5 Author: 2fuzzy (16 Feb 2010 13:49) Total user comments: 10400

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№6 Author: Patty (16 Feb 2010 15:39) Total user comments: 1766

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Cute Pandas!
№7 Author: darkmistwolf (16 Feb 2010 16:20) Total user comments: 1

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Jimmy" The Red Panda is only distantly related to the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Their common ancestor can be traced back to the Early Tertiary Period tens of millions of years ago, with a wide distribution across Eurasia."
Show me a picture of a panda who's not clean, who's perfectly black and white. Also, the fur colors depend on the age of the panda, and this one is relatively young.
№8 Author: gerachev (17 Feb 2010 04:25) Total user comments: 1600

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№9 Author: nico (17 Feb 2010 13:58) Total user comments: 3050

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№10 Author: Jimmy Johnson (18 Feb 2010 02:29) Total user comments: 0

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darknist wolf - I said it was my 2 cents.... Apparently my opinion is to be attacked as if your own opinion is so much authoritative.

Shih Tzus are bred for very specific coloring such as white foreheads and dark patches around their eyes. They can be bred to be solid black or white. They can't be bred to have orange hair (or what breeders call red). That's pure chance.

Pandas, for the most part, are bred. In saying so, any characterisic can be bred out of them, just like desireable qualities can be bred into them. Technology has as much to do with biology in breeding programs. Is that really such a difficult point to understand?
№11 Author: khannibal (19 Feb 2010 21:15) Total user comments: 4711

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jjajajjaja al que escriba mucho (buen o mal comentario) igual le caen con ofenzas, por eso no me gasto en escribir jjajajajajajja
№12 Author: nolife (14 Apr 2010 03:35) Total user comments: 1907

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i hope they used that jet for more then one panda
№13 Author: max010101 (4 May 2010 16:45) Total user comments: 0

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777 ftw
№14 Author: biddybaddy (7 Sep 2010 05:51) Total user comments: 200

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