Facts About Psychological Manipulation (infographic)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Sep, 2015  |
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№1 Author: VorpalVA (10 Sep 2015 01:29) Total user comments: 18

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I briefly dated one of these (girls can be manipulators too.) The graphic leaves out the fact that the manipulators often start out as quite normal, but then abruptly change into their real identities. That makes things worse as you try to reconcile the current person to the one you thought you met. When this is all happening to you in real-time it can be hard to be objective about it, and you tend to rationalize away the behavior. All but one or two of the red flags were true in my case. A couple of the hot buttons were true in my case as well, and were definitely used against me. I'm glad I quickly came to my senses and got out, but years later memories of it still bother me. However, the bad experience has made me appreciate the "rational" people I have met since, who accept me for who I am, faults and all.

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