Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Sep, 2015  |
  • Views: 5710  |
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1 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

2 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

3 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

4 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

5 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

6 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

7 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

8 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

9 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

10 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)

11 Successful People's Advices (11 pics)


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№1 Author: 1234gimmeoneillgiveyoumore (1 Sep 2015 22:04) Total user comments: 0

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Stop playing with borrowed money seems to be the red line here. Something that is quite hard for the average American to do.
I bet that if credit cards were scarce, or at least much harder to obtain, the poverty levels would be way lower. Debt causes debt.
I'm not rich, but I set my bank account in a way that I can never spend more than I have unless I come by to ask them. With the money I do have, I can invest a little. Lately, the returns turned out in my favor. I owe no-one, and I gain only for myself. The fall and rise of Tesla turned my 50 bucks into 85 bucks. That's a lot of money for a minute a day.

One big tip I miss here: Do it yourself. You can buy a quality piece of furniture for 2000$. But if you make it yourself, you acquire skills during the process. And of course some nice left overs and tools to do it again.

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