Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Jul, 2015  |
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Parents just don't understand.

1 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

2 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

3 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

4 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

5 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

6 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

7 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

8 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

9 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

10 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

11 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

12 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

13 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

14 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

15 Technology Tweets That Sum Up The Generation Gap Between Parents And Kids (15 pics)

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№1 Author: Phynix4 (20 Jul 2015 16:45) Total user comments: 5461

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my kids received their phones when they absolutely had have one for ME to reach them. The rules were simple: 1. I have access to everything, anytime, anywhere without question -until you buy your own phone and own service. 2. If I find anything on it that I might not like -you loose it -period-. 3. when I call or text, you WILL respond in a very timely manner, a VERY timely manner.
They were subject to random searches of memory, texts, data, anytime. I even spent the extra to pull and print the text files (didnt do it all the time, but enough for them to know that I was serious, it could happen at anytime.)
Once my children were older than 17, they got their own phones and service, and can do what ever they want, its not my bill. If I pay its MY way. Dont be a stupid parent.
№2 Author: bigdaddy2013 (20 Jul 2015 16:52) Total user comments: 712

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Lame..... 02
№3 Author: ShaneobiOne (20 Jul 2015 17:56) Total user comments: 624

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Phynix4. Generally I agree with you. Nowadays, there is a significant amount of parents, who consider discipline and rules to be too burdonsome for their children. What they do instead, is practice the anti-authoritarian style of upbringing a child - being mostly a cool friend for the kid... That doesn't end well in most of the cases - because in the end you either have a spoiled and egoistic person resulting or someone, who's totally unprepared for the life out there, full of rules and authorities. I don't really understand the logic of those parents; they're like "In order to train a good functioning military, you need discipline. In order to achive a goal, you need to stay focused, work hard and be really disciplined about it. In order to stay healthy, you need discipline regarding your workout schedule and eating habits. But if you want smart and respectful children, just let them do whatever the f*ck they want...' That makes no sense. Parents should make rules and have the children follow them. Not, bacause they're the bosses and have the power, but because it's very important for the children. A parent raises a future grown up, only communicates with a child...
However, Phynix4, imho, one should also stay fair as a parent. And privacy counts for me on the fair side. I think, you should have trusted your kids a bit more. And I'm somehow sure they wouldn't have dissapointed you, as long as the rest of the parenting stuff was done right...

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