These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Jul, 2015  |
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If you're going to make things awkward, you might as well go all the way with it.

1 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

2 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

3 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

4 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

5 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

6 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

7 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

8 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

9 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

10 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

11 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

12 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

13 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

14 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

15 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

16 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

17 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

18 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

19 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

20 These Hilarious Pranksters Love To Create Awkward Social Situations (20 pics)

№1 Author: Maxid (3 Jul 2015 13:53) Total user comments: 694

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#20 - My daughter and I pick a different "Name of the Week" for each other, usually interesting fictional names, like "Atticus Finch," "Robinette Broadhead," or "Ford Prefect."

Other ideas:

Walk quickly through a crowded large area with people, like a mall, then stop suddenly and stare intently up. Works well on city sidewalks between tall buildings, too.

Walk slowly through the mall, carrying a cardboard box at arms length, turn your face away like you're afraid it will explode. Careful: This could get your arrested in some jurisdictions.

While in a crowd, make innocuous statements that sound racist but really aren't. "Oh my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white!" In line at Starbucks or other heavily white person area is a great place for this one.

My favorite: The wait person brings the credit card receipt to the table for me to sign. Before she is out of earshot, I say quietly to one of my companions, "I wonder if they ever realize my autograph is worth 10 times what I just paid."

Max "If You Only Knew Who I Really Am" Id
№2 Author: AlienShooter (4 Jul 2015 07:49) Total user comments: 1206

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#4 won't work - text boxes in programs use trim function to get rid of trailing spaces

#19 try looking in the "other eye" We usually look in the left eye as we talk to someone, try looking in their right eye.
№3 Author: ShaneobiOne (5 Jul 2015 15:11) Total user comments: 624

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#7, oh corne on...

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