Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 May, 2015  |
  • Views: 8097  |
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Don't be fooled by these fancy job titles, they don't mean what you think they mean.

1 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

2 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

3 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

4 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

5 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

6 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

7 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

8 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

9 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

10 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

11 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

12 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

13 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

14 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

15 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

16 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

17 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

18 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

19 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

20 Fancy Job Titles And What They Really Mean (20 pics)

№1 Author: Pentavus (18 May 2015 11:01) Total user comments: 30

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#9, only time I transfer is when customers are too dumb and call webhosting support for internet/cell/cable issues, not my fault they don't listen to the prompts.
№2 Author: JALKMFE (18 May 2015 19:35) Total user comments: 0

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Pentavus, did you ever tried to go thru the voice commanded prompts while being at the office, with normal noises as background? -" Upgrade my internet speed" "Sorry, I didn't get that; did you mean you want to verify your account address, or you want to cancel your account? say yes for cancelling your account, or no to disconnect your account." printer noise " Thank you, we will disconnect all your services as soon as possible. Don't ever try to call us again. No human will answer you from now on, because you are not a paying customer anymore. Goodbye!"

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