9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 May, 2015  |
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The line between man and machine is getting thinner and thinner with each passing day.

Nigel Ackland sports the most advanced cyborg arm on the planet. He can control each finger just like on a normal hand, and can even perfectly pour a glass of water.

1 9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

Michael Chorost became completely deaf by the time he was 30, but in 2001, he had a computer installed into his head and ears that completely restored his hearing.

2 9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

Like a real-life Jordy from Star Trek: Next Generation, Jens Naumann became the first person to receive an artificial vision system. An electronic eye is fed directly to his visual cortex, which is almost as cool as those sweet shades he gets to wear.

3 9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

Kevin Warwick is a cybernetics professor at the University of Reading. He installed a chip in his own arm that allows him to control lights, doors, heaters, and even other computers.

4 9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

Performance artist Stelarc once allowed internet users to control his movements through electronic muscle stimulators attached to his body.

5 9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

Dick Cheney is still alive because a left-ventricular assist device that mechanically keeps his heart beating. This doesn't do anything to stop the comparisons to Darth Vader.

6 9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

Artist Neil Harbisson was born without the ability to see colors. After being equipped with a special electronic eye that translates perceived colors into musical notes, he can essentially hear color. This opens up new neural pathways in his brain no other human experiences.

7 9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

Jerry Jalava lost the tip of his finger in a motorcycle accident, but the computer engineer decided to not let this hinder his job. He opted to install a USB drive in his replacement finger.

8 9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

Jesse Sullivan was one of the first cyborgs ever when he was equipped with two robotic arms he can actually control with his mind. Although he lost his original arms, his new arms can still feel heat and cold.

9 9 People That Are Blurring The Lines Between Humans And Cyborgs (9 pics)

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№1 Author: Aindy (6 May 2015 13:51) Total user comments: 2863

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We are getting there, but some of the stories here are a bit old.

(and putting a usb key on your finger isnt really spectacular science...)
№2 Author: Tomaz86 (6 May 2015 17:32) Total user comments: 10834

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Future is now.

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