Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

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  • 21 Apr, 2015  |
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A group called Global Population Speak Out released a book called "Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot" as a way to raise awareness about how much damage humans are doing to planet Earth. These photos from the book show a different side of life on our planet and they will definitely get your attention.

1 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

2 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

3 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

4 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

5 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

6 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

7 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

8 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

9 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

10 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

11 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

12 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

13 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

14 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

15 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

16 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

17 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

18 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

19 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

20 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

21 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

22 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

23 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

24 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

25 Proof That The World Might Be In Worse Shape Than We Think (25 pics)

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№1 Author: noluk (21 Apr 2015 04:03) Total user comments: 327

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Doesnt matter anymore. Its too late!
№2 Author: Aindy (21 Apr 2015 09:17) Total user comments: 2863

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All these lack explanation and just leave you wanting to be depressed. Here is something explaining the lighter side of those pictures:

1 - Most countries gave laws in place to prevent overfishing. They use their navies to patrol the waters to enforce those laws.

2 - In places like Kruger national park, there are too many elephants. There are also new elephant farms specifically for ivory.

3 - The melting of the ice-caps is inevitable. However, they are melting quicker than expected, giving polar bears less time to adapt. But either way, their chance for survival was always pretty low. (No ice caps, and a white bear in a forest is too visible to be successful)

4 - Granted there may be more fires, but many are set by human hand, less to do with climate change. Also, those forests seceptible to fire need it to regrow or it will die off completely.

5 - Raising sea levels was inevitable, but has been accelerated. The time for nations to help those who drew the short straw is nearly at hand... (the president of maldives organised some land in australia for his people should that day come)

6, 7, 10, 16- Mining like that is terrible, but we are slowly changing and turning more and more to renewable energies. Slowly... but surely.

8, 14 - People are preferring local produce more and more.

9 - In Ireland (probably UK too), law states that each farm should be bordered with hedgerows from all sides. This knowledge just needs to be passed on.

11 - The love parade has been abolished for a good number of years. However, mass congregations of people are often not a bad thing.

12 - Diamonds can now be created artificially, limiting the need for mines.

13, 15 - Clear cutting is being abolished in many countries. However, this can usually only apply to new 'plantations'.

17 - Cities with high population densities are better than low density spread over a gigantic area.

18 - Renewable energies are replacing the old.

19, 20 - Horrible sight, but a lot of the waste is being recycled (always look on the bright side of life..)

21 - Many people are coming up with ingenious ways to use old tyres, eg: Earthships

22 - There is a ship being developed which will cruise the polluted oceans picking up plastics and converting them to oil.

23 - New housing construction methods can improve their lives, but ultimately it will be hard for them. We cant change it overnight, but we will get there.

24 - I fail to see the problem. Televisions, while they are blamed for dumbing nations, have a different role in developing nations. A cheap source of news, which can come unrestricted from any satellite broadcaster is something to be marvelked at.

25 - See post on AC yesterday where guy cleans riverbank and others join in. Social media can be powerful if used right.
№3 Author: kryptor (21 Apr 2015 10:26) Total user comments: 4840

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Thank you Aindy, excellent alternative viewpoint.
№4 Author: r1rfa (21 Apr 2015 14:00) Total user comments: 0

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It's nice to see there are people like Aindy. Good job man. Thanks for taking the time to reply to this shit.
Sensational crap like this is unacceptable in the age of information.
№5 Author: LewisJones (21 Apr 2015 17:09) Total user comments: 2206

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humans suck........
№6 Author: Ben2017 (21 Apr 2015 23:55) Total user comments: 2046

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