Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Apr, 2015  |
  • Views: 11094  |
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These vintage crime scene photos help to show the origins of investigation tactics that police still use to this day.

This photo was used as an example for how to properly position the victim's body to capture a shot from the side

1 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

A large tripod was used to capture the body from above

2 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

The cloth around this victim's neck indicates that he was probably strangled to death, possibly in his sleep

3 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

This body was found tied up in the Lac Daumesnil in the Bois de Vincennes, the largest park in Paris in November, 1912. The identity of the victim was never found

4 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

The body of Mademoiselle Ferrari was found with a knife held in her hand and a wound in her heart. The scene suggests that she committed suicide, but due to the brand-new invention of fingerprinting, it was discovered she was murdered by her former lover, Monsieur Garnier

5 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

The brownish coloring on this victim's foot indicate the slow decay of the body. This murder happened a while before the victim was found

6 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

This scene is covered in blood, but the body is absent. Hopefully the victim made it to the hospital in time

7 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

This elderly woman died of unknown causes in 1913

8 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

This was one of the first crime scenes to be photographed. Sadly, the victim was 6-year-old Rue Caillé, murdered by a local teenager

9 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

Before fingerprinting technology became computerized, the police had to eyeball fingerprint comparisons

10 Vintage Crime Scene Photos From Back In The Day (10 pics)

№1 Author: Tomaz86 (9 Apr 2015 17:05) Total user comments: 10834

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№2 Author: bigdaddy2013 (13 Apr 2015 13:38) Total user comments: 712

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most peculiar mama, whoa.... :01:

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