Mr. Potato Head (31 pics)
- Category: Pics |
- 10 Mar, 2009 |
- Views: 8423 |
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Mr. Potato Head is an American toy consisting of a plastic model of a potato which can be decorated with a variety of attachable plastic parts such as ears and eyes to make a face. The toy was invented and developed by George Lerner in 1949, and first manufactured and distributed by Hasbro in 1952.
Mr. Potato Head enjoys the distinction of being the first toy advertised on television and has remained in production since its debut. Over the years, the original toy was joined by Mrs. Potato Head and supplemented with accessories such as a car and a boat trailer. The character has appeared in film and on television, and has acted as spokesperson for several causes. Similar toys such as Pontiki may have taken their inspiration from the Hasbro toy.