The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 16 Oct, 2014  |
  • Views: 6605  |
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A team of designers in New Zealand has created the perfect cardboard table. It's called 'Refold' and you can take it anywhere without a problem.

1 The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)

2 The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)

3 The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)

4 The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)

5 The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)

6 The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)

7 The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)

8 The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)

9 The Cardboard Desk You Can Take Anywhere (9 pics)


№1 Author: hugo31 (16 Oct 2014 02:19) Total user comments: 530

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anywhere but outside when its raining.
№2 Author: randomdude735 (16 Oct 2014 04:52) Total user comments: 506

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Freakin' Hipsters....
№3 Author: Aindy (16 Oct 2014 13:07) Total user comments: 2863

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Like a portable plastic table thats been around for 50-60 years (at least). Except its not waterproof..... Reverse engineering?
№4 Author: Tomaz86 (16 Oct 2014 15:44) Total user comments: 10834

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Great idea, man. :21:
№5 Author: Jericho (16 Oct 2014 15:55) Total user comments: 670

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I totally believe you can stand on it.
№6 Author: choochwhocharlie (16 Oct 2014 16:46) Total user comments: 2136

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It can be recycled too
№7 Author: loveandhate (18 Oct 2014 00:39) Total user comments: 1571

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it doesn't look nice
№8 Author: randomdude735 (18 Oct 2014 17:13) Total user comments: 506

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honestly? It took a TEAM of people to design this?

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