The Greatest Shark Throw Ever (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Sep, 2014  |
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What do you do when you come across a shark in shallow water? You wind up and toss that thing as far as you can.

1 The Greatest Shark Throw Ever (5 pics)

2 The Greatest Shark Throw Ever (5 pics)

3 The Greatest Shark Throw Ever (5 pics)

4 The Greatest Shark Throw Ever (5 pics)

5 The Greatest Shark Throw Ever (5 pics)


№1 Author: mar (3 Sep 2014 05:35) Total user comments: 0

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sharks Arnt dangerous dude. You shouldve just walked it out.
№2 Author: Ben2017 (3 Sep 2014 07:46) Total user comments: 2046

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it looks like a missed opportunity for shark soup
№3 Author: optical (3 Sep 2014 10:10) Total user comments: 0

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Three years later, the same shark will come back and take his leg in return because that the shark's way of saying "thank you, sir".
№4 Author: saint357 (3 Sep 2014 13:20) Total user comments: 2366

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weird :15:
№5 Author: Dune_king (3 Sep 2014 14:05) Total user comments: 448

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That looks like a baby great white. One day he might return the favor if your stuck at sea and gently carry you in his jaws to shore. Karma has her ways.
№6 Author: Tomaz86 (3 Sep 2014 15:07) Total user comments: 10834

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Now just wait for him to come back and bite her leg.
№7 Author: Phynix4 (3 Sep 2014 15:16) Total user comments: 5461

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shortfin mako. it doesn't have the long pectorals that blues and longfins do. could be a salmon shark as well, hard to tell with the photos provided.
№8 Author: mobius (3 Sep 2014 19:44) Total user comments: 1073

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Dune King, you're funny...
№9 Author: gusthavus (3 Sep 2014 22:00) Total user comments: 247

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good human :04:
№10 Author: LewisJones (4 Sep 2014 22:47) Total user comments: 2206

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I agree with Gus, above. And on behave of the little guy, 'THANKS!' .

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