10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Jul, 2014  |
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Do you want to get smarter and increase the power of your brain? Just follow these 10 tips and you will be the smartest person alive.

1.) Think of 10 new ideas everyday.

Even if it’s something dumb like new pizza toppings, you never know what you might come up with. It’s a good way to exercise your brain muscles. Who knows, you might come up with a new million dollar idea.

1 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

2.) Read the newspaper.

Who reads newspapers anymore? Well you should, or at least get one of those fancy online New York Times subscriptions. Staying up to date with the important things in the world can only make you smarter. Plus, you’ll have a lot more to talk about at parties.

2 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

3.) Create different opinions.

Going out of your way to form opinions that you wouldn’t have otherwise is a great mental exercise. It helps you keep an open mind to new things and situations. Not to mention you’ll improve your “thinking outside the box” skills.

3 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

4.) Read one chapter of a book everyday.

Fiction or non-fiction, it doesn’t matter. Reading is like cardio for the brain. For the best mental workout take on the challenge of reading a book a week. Don’t tell me you no time to read. Make time for it.

4 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

5.) Educational videos vs. TV.

Pick a subject you’re interested in and then go Youtube diving for educational videos. There are so many videos out there on an almost infinite array of topics. TED Talks anyone? Certainly beats wasting time away in front of the TV.

5 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

6.) Start following interesting people and news outlets.

Following interesting people on Facebook and/or Twitter is a great way to keep your brain learning. I mean you’re going to waste half of your day on Facebook anyway right? You might as well pick a few great pages to like. Maybe you should start by following Neil deGrass Tyson?

6 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

7.) Teach others what you’ve learned.

You can finally become that smart friend who seems to know something about everything. More practically, teaching and telling others about what you’ve learned is a great way to reinforce your knowledge.

7 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

8.) Keep track of your learning.

Start blogging or keeping a journal of the things you’re learning about. It’s a great to have a written record to see how far you’ve come. Also, if you’re publicly blogging, it’s a good way to keep yourself accountable.

8 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

9.) Hang out with smart people.

If at all possible, you should actually hang out with people who are smarter than you. These folks will teach you something new every time you see them, not to mention inspire you to keep striving for new knowledge.

9 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)

10.) Do something you’re scared of.

Get the hell out of your comfort zone. Do it. Do it now. I’ll wait. … Seriously though, there’s nothing like getting out of your comfort zone to get your brain working. Start using this mentality: The scarier something feels, the more necessary it is you to do it.

10 10 Things You Can Do Daily To Make Yourself Smarter (10 pics)


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