Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Jul, 2014  |
  • Views: 10502  |
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This little kid is the youngest tattoo artist on the planet. Would you let her use a tattoo gun on you?

1 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

2 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

3 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

4 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

5 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

6 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

7 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

8 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

9 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

10 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

11 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

12 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

13 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

14 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

15 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

16 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)

17 Would You Get A Tattoo From Her? (17 pics)


№1 Author: Aindy (25 Jul 2014 01:35) Total user comments: 2863

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Swastikas by a 3 year old? That is pretty low, humanity.
№2 Author: No1 (25 Jul 2014 02:12) Total user comments: 1621

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This is fucking idiotic
№3 Author: candysack (25 Jul 2014 02:15) Total user comments: 1436

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i dont think it's the best way to start with the swastika. i am aware that it is originally an indian symbol but hitler ruined it big time...
№4 Author: adzhoe (25 Jul 2014 05:38) Total user comments: 15111

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№5 Author: saint357 (25 Jul 2014 13:40) Total user comments: 2366

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stupid now has a new picture to demonstrate the meaning.
№6 Author: ACfan (25 Jul 2014 13:56) Total user comments: 0

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she is not a tattoo artist, I was expecting something half decent... but no... she's just a regular kid who cant draw for shit. scribbling a mess on someone's body instead of paper.
should rename post "morons get tattoo'd by a toddler"
№7 Author: Guardian (25 Jul 2014 15:36) Total user comments: 0

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the swastika has a 45* degree angle and it's oriented to the right, that's the nazy symbol, the symbol for peace is parallel to the "ground" and is oriented to the left from what I know
№8 Author: shade (25 Jul 2014 19:34) Total user comments: 1634

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I'd pass.
№9 Author: YoudumbFuks (25 Jul 2014 19:50) Total user comments: 0

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The swastika is a Hindu symbol that has been around for 5,000 years as a symbol of peace.
№10 Author: Tomaz86 (26 Jul 2014 04:03) Total user comments: 10834

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BoRiNg... :48:
№11 Author: choochwhocharlie (26 Jul 2014 15:54) Total user comments: 2136

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Child labor laws

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