Insane Facts About Death And Dying (infographic)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 21 Jul, 2014  |
  • Views: 1957  |
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Sooner or later everyone dies but until then, here are a few facts you might not know about death.

1 Insane Facts About Death And Dying (infographic)

№1 Author: jotha (22 Jul 2014 00:02) Total user comments: 0

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1 000 000 000 ppl have died since humans exist? Really? 1 Billion? There are about 6 000 000 000 ppl on this planet in this moment :-)

Right handed ppl in average live 9 times longer than left handed ppl? so when ppl live about 75 years in average today, do left handed only live a ninth of that in average (about 8-9 years) or do right handed live 600 years??

Check your facts guys....

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