10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Jul, 2014  |
  • Views: 10941  |
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This companies are world famous but everyone has a secret to tell. Get the inside scoop about what really goes on at these companies from the people that have worked there.

1 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

2 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

3 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

4 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

5 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

6 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

7 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

8 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

9 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)

10 10 Secrets About 10 Big Companies (10 pics)


№1 Author: Rodrigo (18 Jul 2014 08:10) Total user comments: 0

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People actually throw their loved one's ashes in the Haunted Mansion? That's like, f***ed up.
№2 Author: ak6781fan (18 Jul 2014 13:01) Total user comments: 18

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#9 is absolute BULLSHIT! U.S.P.S Is full of Thieves, Druggies, and Psychos.
№3 Author: Phynix4 (18 Jul 2014 15:23) Total user comments: 5461

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I have worked at FedEx out of Charleston, SC, it wasn't that way at all. Great group of folks there.

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