That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Jun, 2014  |
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Talk shows can be pretty scary for a guy when he thinks he might be getting setup to pay child support for 18 years. On the flip side, they're oh so sweet when they find out they're not the father.

1 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

2 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

3 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

4 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

5 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

6 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

7 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

8 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

9 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

10 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

11 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

12 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

13 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

14 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

15 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

16 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

17 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

18 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

19 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

20 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

21 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

22 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

23 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

24 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

25 That Moment When You Find Out You're Not The Father (25 gifs)

№1 Author: cynic_male (2 Jun 2014 03:08) Total user comments: 188

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If you're first then the baby must be yours
№2 Author: rodrigozanatta (2 Jun 2014 04:10) Total user comments: 695

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why the most of then are black people?
№3 Author: Hypertension (2 Jun 2014 04:30) Total user comments: 1195

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USA didn't sale condoms anymore ?
№4 Author: k0mmon (2 Jun 2014 04:38) Total user comments: 90

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Black guys and white women..... :07:
№5 Author: meobcthuiutit (2 Jun 2014 05:43) Total user comments: 198

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I feel sad for those little babies
№6 Author: sergiofx (2 Jun 2014 16:43) Total user comments: 719

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If the show is real and not all acted, I really feel for such a generation of babies who will grow up in a world where their parents are not held responsible for anything.

And then they blame violence of video games.... Just imagine how messed up these kids will grow up to be
№7 Author: choochwhocharlie (2 Jun 2014 21:09) Total user comments: 2136

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This is the lamest show on the air. On a scale of 1 to 10 it's a -5 :13:
№8 Author: Louie (2 Jun 2014 23:16) Total user comments: 8189

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