This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 May, 2014  |
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These ducklings lost their mother. Lucky for them some kind humans were nice enough to save them.

"I came up over a hill to find the momma duck dead and the babies scurrying into the road to get to her. I pulled a quick U-turn and shooed them off the road. They huddled by a closed garage for warmth."

1 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"I quickly discovered I had nothing in my car to transport ducks (won't make that mistake again!). An employee from the golf course just down the street got me a box. Here they are cuddled in the box after I collected them."

2 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"Once home, my wife and daughters helped me make a temporary home for them...a storage bin with a towel in the bottom."

3 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"We quickly discovered these little guys (girls?) can really jump! My girls had this innovate solution to block them from hopping out while I searched for a better solution."

4 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"One tiny duck hotel with a heat lamp, check! I cleared a space in the corner of our garage and it was time for them to move in."

5 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"They seemed to take to the new spot right away. They drank water from bowls and then just sat in the water. Our neighbor ran to a local pet store and picked up some food for them."

6 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"They survived the night! We'd done everything we knew to do and were pretty sure they would be warm enough, but it was great to see them alive and well still this morning. Next step, finding them a permanent home."

7 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"I got home yesterday after work to find our 7 baby ducks still doing great. Based on tons of great advice I got from Reddit, we tracked down a local, licensed wildlife rehab organization that was glad to take them in until they could be released back into the wild. Also, we let everyone in our family (except the 6-week old) pick a name. The final names were Buddy, Ducky Mo-Mo, Scrooge McDuck, Sarah, Flower, Fluffy and Grapes."

8 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"We loaded all 14 of us into the van: 2 parents, 4 girls, 1 baby boy, and 7 ducks. Since our boy didn't get to pick a name (he's still struggling with English) and didn't get into the original picture set, we figured he deserved an appearance here. Future duck rescuer in training!"

9 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"We put the ducks in an empty diaper box for the 20-minute drive. They did great and chirped quietly the entire drive. I have to say, there were a lot of tears among my girls on the trip. No one wanted to say goodbye. But we agreed it was better to have been able to help the ducks and then say goodbye than to have never met them in the first place."

10 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"When we saw this sign, we thought we were getting close. Then a peacock walked by and we knew we were at the right place."

11 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"Here's one of our favorite guests we met while dropping off our duck buddies. You should have heard the incredible sounds he made! My 8-year-old really wants to work with animals in the future. She was in heaven at this place."

12 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)

"A final shot of the wildlife -- see the peacock! Thanks SO much to Reddit for the unexpected excitement, caring, advice, and even gold (it's a Reddit thing). It was great sharing our adventure with you. If I had to pick a lesson out of the last couple days, I'd say helping baby ducks is a lot like helping people. They don't come with manuals, they may run away when you try to help them, and they'll probably cost you time and money. But you don't have to do everything right. Just do something :)"

13 This Is How You Rescue Baby Ducklings (13 pics)


№1 Author: MexAndi (19 May 2014 02:47) Total user comments: 177

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Glad to see that there are still caring, compassionate humans around.
№2 Author: 1234 (19 May 2014 04:49) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: exciting few days for everybody involved...n happy ending :04:
№3 Author: Tomaz86 (19 May 2014 16:02) Total user comments: 10834

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good job
№4 Author: mantley rawson (19 May 2014 17:39) Total user comments: 361

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Why not have tried Crisp Roasted Ducklings
Flavored with lemon and glazed with tangy hot-pepper jelly, these ducklings are the stars of an elegant dinner...
№5 Author: Lu (19 May 2014 19:38) Total user comments: 15132

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You did the right thing, dude. Good Job.
№6 Author: adzhoe (19 May 2014 22:01) Total user comments: 15111

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That's the way to do it...

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