See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 May, 2014  |
  • Views: 12935  |
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Facebook is an absolutely massive website. Every single day billions of people visit Facebook to get their social media fix and it takes a lot to keep the site up and running. Get an inside look at some of the equipment that keeps Facebook going.

1 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

2 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

3 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

4 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

5 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

6 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

7 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

8 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

9 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

10 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

11 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

12 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

13 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

14 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

15 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

16 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

17 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

18 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

19 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

20 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

21 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

22 See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running (22 pics)

№1 Author: candysack (2 May 2014 00:46) Total user comments: 1436

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looking at such a massive and complex structure you would imagine that more important things are kept here than duckface selfies and pictures of food :02:
№2 Author: Dallizzt (2 May 2014 01:14) Total user comments: 1467

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Not sure who would thumb down this post, as much as I hate FB, the tech behind it is pretty damn cool. I don't care for Google either but how they are doing their server farms are making some ground breaking ways in efficiently cooling them in some case, powering them.
№3 Author: k0mmon (2 May 2014 03:45) Total user comments: 90

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What are these things exactly?? i know they're servers, mostly but how about the other components?? :41:
№4 Author: DonGutti (2 May 2014 06:17) Total user comments: 33

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Mostly servers, hubs, switches and cooling mechanisms. Wonders of modern engineering!! :04:
№5 Author: Jimmy Johnson (2 May 2014 06:50) Total user comments: 5518

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All paid for by selling your personal information to countless advertising/government agencies.
№6 Author: Boomer (2 May 2014 06:58) Total user comments: 181

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All that equipment to keep the cat pictures safe. Awwww. :88:
№7 Author: adzhoe (2 May 2014 07:00) Total user comments: 15111

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Genius marketing....amazing systems.
№8 Author: thughugger (2 May 2014 15:07) Total user comments: 1015

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Next step........... scale it up and plug the humans straight in
№9 Author: Tomaz86 (2 May 2014 15:45) Total user comments: 10834

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Impressive technology :15:
№10 Author: Phynix4 (2 May 2014 18:41) Total user comments: 5461

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the matrix has you, Neo....
№11 Author: Lu (2 May 2014 21:57) Total user comments: 15132

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If there is a power failure, they must have some back up stuff.
№12 Author: Louie (4 May 2014 12:10) Total user comments: 8189

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