How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 5260  |
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Have you ever wondered what it looks like when a baby giraffe is born? The Cincinnati Zoo recently live tweeted the birth of a newborn giraffe and you can get the play by play through these pictures.

1 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

2 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

3 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

4 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

5 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

6 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

7 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

8 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

9 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

10 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

11 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

12 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

13 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)

14 How Baby Giraffes Are Born (14 pics)


№1 Author: 1234 (30 Apr 2014 06:48) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: i scrolled real fast to the last the barnet :04:
№2 Author: twitchyfuzz (30 Apr 2014 20:06) Total user comments: 373

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Having grown up on a dairy farm, sometimes it looks like the newborn is "pooped" out.. :02:
№3 Author: Lu (30 Apr 2014 22:37) Total user comments: 15132

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That is the lowest it'l ever be. From here on it's just up .. up . . and UP!
№4 Author: Phynix4 (30 Apr 2014 23:07) Total user comments: 5461

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little ones are usually pretty cute, that one...jury is still out...

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