Woman Dies In Crash After Posting Facebook Status (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 2575  |
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A 32-year-old North Carolina woman is dead after slamming her car head-on into a truck. She was posting a Facebook status about how the song 'Happy' by Pharrell makes her happy. Unfortunately that same status caused her death. Please put the phone down while you're driving.

1 Woman Dies In Crash After Posting Facebook Status (4 pics)

2 Woman Dies In Crash After Posting Facebook Status (4 pics)

3 Woman Dies In Crash After Posting Facebook Status (4 pics)

4 Woman Dies In Crash After Posting Facebook Status (4 pics)

№1 Author: noluk (30 Apr 2014 00:58) Total user comments: 327

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Darwin FTW ! Keep texting you idiots. The gene pool needs a good cleaning.
№2 Author: dargor (30 Apr 2014 19:03) Total user comments: 262

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i would normally agree, but these idiots kill someone else very often

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