Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 9943  |
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It's pretty common knowledge that most adults are bad with modern technology. Texting is no exception to that and this is a perfect example of why parents shouldn't be allowed to text.

1 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

2 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

3 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

4 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

5 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

6 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

7 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

8 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

9 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

10 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

11 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

12 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

13 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

14 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

15 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

16 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

17 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

18 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

19 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

20 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

21 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

22 Why Your Parents Should Never Be Allowed To Text (22 pics)

№1 Author: Phynix4 (1 May 2014 18:15) Total user comments: 5461

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yeah, it is difficult to keep up wit the kids...
№2 Author: Lu (1 May 2014 22:24) Total user comments: 15132

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Parents have a few wins here. :05:
№3 Author: Tomaz86 (2 May 2014 17:52) Total user comments: 10834

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This can never happen :04:

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